Git Introduction

What is Git ?

GIT is a free distributed version control system to track changes in files and to collaborate with our team on the same project.

Git was designed and developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for Linux Kernel development.

Git is free and open-source software distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License Version 2.

Advantage of Git

  • Performance

    Git is extremely fast; as most operations are executed locally, only a few commands require a network connexion, giving a huge benefit on speed.

    Git provides the best performance comparing to other version control systems.

    Git is written in C, which makes him very fast and portable.

    Git is developed originally for Linux Kernel, so one of the beginning goals was to handle large projects efficiently.

    Git is so performant that Microsoft changed to use it to develop its Windows operating system.

  • Security

    The principal goal of Git is to manage the integrity of source code.

    Git uses a cryptographic hash function SHA-1 to protect the code and guard against accidental corruption.

    Files and commits are checked and retrieved by its checksum at the time of the checkout.

    Once it's published, it's impossible to make a change to the old version.

  • Scalable and distributed

    Git is scalable when the number of users increases. It can handle it with ease.

    Git is distributed; each developer has its own local copy of files that contains the entire history of the project.

  • Non-Linear development

    Git supports branching and merging, which lets you have multiple local branches independent of each other.

    A Git branch is just a reference to one commit. It's very lightweight, so it takes only a few seconds to create, delete, and switch branches.

  • Free and open source

    Git is free and open-source, which makes it very popular.

    Git has a very active community, and there are many resources available online.

    It is straightforward to find developers that masteries Git.

    Git becomes the standard and the first choice for the version control system.

Why use Git ?

  • Branch workflow

    Git has powerful branching capabilities. It allows working effectively.

    Git supports the creation of multiple branches without affecting each other.

    Git branch gives the possibility to manage a project safely, so every new feature of the development will be on a new separate branch, and then the merge will be done when we are sure about development.

  • Saves time

    Git is very fast. It runs locally.

    Git uses the command line to make it very fast compared to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) implementation.

    Git saves time by allowing easy collaboration by using different branches.

  • Work offline

    Git gives you the possibility to work while you're on the move.

    Git doesn't need you to be connected all the time. You can do almost everything locally without a connection, unlike other version control as SVN, which prefers the central repository connection.

  • Separation of concerns

    While you are working on a new feature, nothing and no-one else should be affected by your code.

  • Track the changes

    Git uses great features like Diff, Log, and Status makes it very easy to track changes and compare files or branches.

  • Undo mistakes

    Git provides undo command for almost every situation. So even if you make a mistake you can undo it.

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